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Offline Thordis Schmiedeherz

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« Antwort #15 am: 17. August 2018, 16:32:01 »
Da hat se recht, die Muriel!
Zum vernünftig werden ist es jetzt eh zu spät. Wäre daher unvernünftig....

Offline trim vom Berg

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« Antwort #16 am: 21. August 2018, 15:19:31 »
Ich hab den "OT" Eingang oft benutzt und mich gefreut, dass dort immer ein fleißiges Helferlein die Laternen an den Leinen drapiert hat.
Ich bin auch für eine bessere Lösung offen.

Vielleicht eine Klanwand mit einer Schlupftür? Also Klanwand Breite aber die Sockelplatte geteilt und die eine Hälfte als Stoffbespannte Tür. Das würde ich aber nicht zusammenklappbar planen, sondern als Kompletteil zum einlagern.
Trim Salar Steini - Erster Obererzgartenzwerg der Seele des Grünen Lagers, Meisterbarde vom Klan der Diamantäxte

Offline Gantos Zottelbart

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« Antwort #17 am: 23. August 2018, 12:38:57 »
Ja, den habe ich einmal genommen. Genau einmal. Das Ding ist nicht praktikabel gewesen. Nicht wenn du übermüdet heim kommst ^^ Zumindest nicht für mich.

hehe...ich hab das voll geschafft. Aber hast recht, könnte besser sein^^
Gantos Zottelbart vom Klan der Zottelbärte. Braumeister und Krieger des Klans

Offline Janosch - Barin

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« Antwort #18 am: 23. August 2018, 22:45:47 »
Wir haben vorher versucht mit der SL zu reden das wir an irgendeiner Stelle sowas offen lassen für uns. Aber die SL hat null verstanden was wir meinten oder wollten. Leider.

Ja die Seite an der Jurte war nicht gut dafür... neue Idee für nächstes jahr muss her. BZW die Jurte dann halt nen Halben Meter weg vonner Wand *G*
Barin Grüngold Grüngold Lückenfüller
aus dem Clan der Bierbärte in Akron
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Offline Muriel

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« Antwort #19 am: 26. August 2018, 12:17:14 »
Aufgrund gewisser Zwischenfälle in diesem Jahr und damit verbundener Unannehmlichkeiten auch im Nachhinein, bin ich mir über eines ziemlich sicher: Ein Großteil der SL hat in diesem Jahr sehr, sehr viele Dinge NICHT verstanden  ;D
Wir werden immer die Kühnsten der Kühnsten sein, denn Meister Phex ist unser väterlicher Freund <3

Offline Dhoz Khalador

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« Antwort #20 am: 27. August 2018, 23:59:02 »

Ich wollte nur ein klein feedback über den Drachenfest 2018 für der Französiche Zwergen machen.
Entschuldigung für mein Deutsch, ich denke dass ich, soweit, zu viele fehler gemacht habe.

So if it is ok for everyone, I will continue in English (it’s much faster for me and I will make less mistakes). I’ll try to be concise even if there is a lot to be said.

First of all, speaking for all the french dwarves, I want to thank you for the fun we had. It was a real pleasure to meet and play with fellow dwarves from other countries. Fighting alongside the dwarves from the zwergenviertel was also au pleasure and we really enjoyed crushing enemies’ lines or resisting the orcs’ charge.
We were incredibly surprised by the friendship you showed us from the start. We had good laughs with many of you, and received so many gifts!
It was a very good experience and I am sure that we will come back again. We need to discuss the « when » and « how » because the game in which we are usually playing is supposed to take place at the same moment as the Drachenfest. We’ll be 70 dwarves all with written characters’ background and quests to accomplish; which means quite a lot to take care of…

On a more serious tone I wanted to stress certain points out:
      -   We hope that we were able to help you with installing, cleaning the camp and put all the things back to the storage (despite the fact that we had to leave a little bit early), in a way that was convenient for you.
     -   Communicating between the « Nains » and the « Zwerge » was not so easy, and I’m sorry that we were so few to be able to speak German or English correctly. However, I still think that we managed to share a lot of good moments.
     -   Our main goal by coming to the Drachenfest was to discover a German « con » and to see if this type of game could suit us. Therefore, we decided not to interfere to much with your usual way of playing. If we were not to come back we didn’t want to spoil what you had been doing so far. This explains why we were not so involved in the diplomacy and most part of the time, that we followed what you decided without discussion. I noticed that the permanent death of Sir Thomas was a hard decision to make and that it may have upset some of you. In this matter we did not want to change your way of playing, if we did so and it caused any trouble we’re deeply sorry… Of course, next time we’ll be there, I will take time to explain, in detail if necessary, the way we play before our arrival. We’ll be certainly more involved in the dwarven politics and life of the camp and I will personally work more on the living and playing together.
      -   The heat, the difficulties we had to communicate sometimes and the lack of a ot place where we could take our beards of led us to be too much ot in the IT area. Next time, I’ll suggest the creation of an OT part of the camp, where we’ll be able to rest and cool off (if the weather should be as hot as it was this time).
There are still a lot to be said but I think that I have written the most important things.

To conclude I must say:
     -   Drachenfest seems to have a lot of potential for us (in terms of economics, politics, life of the camp, fighting,…) and we had too much fun not to come back.
     -   I am very interested in starting to build an “international” dwarven group with all the cultural differences and ways of playing which will enrich our larping experience.
     -   I will try to translate in English our background and our different songs (there are so many that we didn’t sing unfortunately) so that people who are interested to know more we’ll be able to.
     -   I’ll be at your disposal on this forum, or on facebook for those who added me as a friend, if you want to talk about links between French and Germans or dwarves in general.

I wish you all the best, and be your chests full of gold as well as your mugs full of beer !

Dhoz Khalador Poing d’Acier

Offline Odilis

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« Antwort #21 am: 02. September 2018, 12:00:31 »
Dear Dhoz Khalador, thanks for your feedback.

As I was not able to take part I phoned with several dwarfs after the Drachenfest to hear how things went.
To give a résumé about what I was told: the french dwarves joining really highlighted this event for us.

I hope I will be able to meet you in 2020? (what is the schedule for your event, something like "last week in July"?)

Baroschem and kindest regards to you
Anke aka Odilis
Vernünftig sein kann ich später, alles andere sollte ich lieber gleich tun.

Offline Dhoz Khalador

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« Antwort #22 am: 05. September 2018, 19:25:29 »
Yes, our event is going to take place in western France from the 17th till the 21st of july.

You may see me before 2020, I'm planning something... ;D